
Chinese Instagram Guide: Xiaohongshu

Chinese social network
Chinese Instagram -Chinese Instagram Guide: Xiaohongshu

We all know that the importance of social networks is increasing, and China is one of the clearest examples. Chinese social networks are of great importance for marketing in the Asian country and promoting a business there, and one of the most effective is the Chinese Instagram.

China is mainly characterized by its high levels of digitalization, which has led it to be one of the world powers and to have a market of great importance for any company that wants to expand and obtain exponential benefits. Knowledge of local social networks, such as Chinese Instagram, is of great relevance.

In this article, we will examine in detail everything about Chinese Instagram, in addition to the main differences between it and Western Instagram. Then, we will see why it is so important for all companies that intend to promote their business in the Asian country to be present on China’s Instagram.

Chinese social networks are of great importance for marketing in the Asian country and for promoting a business there, and one of the most effective is the Chinese Instagram.

Table of Contents

1. What is Chinese Instagram like?

Chinese Instagram, called Xiaohongshu or Little Red Book, is one of the most important Chinese social networks. Founded by Charwlin is In 2013, the Chinese version of Instagram has become a platform that brings together user-created content, product reviews and e-commerce elements, and works like a social network.

Chinese Instagram - What is Chinese Instagram like?

According to data from South China Morning Post, Xiaohongshu has around 400 million users, being 250 million of them those that are active monthly. Furthermore, the 70% of users are women, data that may be of special relevance for anyone seeking to establish an effective marketing strategy on Chinese Instagram.

On the other hand, also the 70% of the total users are made up of people belonging to Generation Z, an age group that is becoming very important for marketing strategies in China, since they are the ones most present on Chinese social networks, which are essential for anyone’s market strategy.

Among all Chinese Instagram users, 70% are women, and the same percentage are people belonging to Generation Z, which is of great importance for anyone who intends to establish strategies in the Chinese market.

Features of Chinese Instagram

China’s Instagram began as a kind of tourist guide where Chinese consumers wrote their reviews about products or experiences with the entire community. However, has evolved into a social network with a multitude of functions, among which the following stand out:

  • Content Publishing: Users can create and share content in the form of images, text, and videos on a wide variety of topics, such as product reviews, beauty tutorials, travel recommendations, fashion tips, and more.
  • Make live broadcasts: Chinese Instagram live broadcasts are crucial for brands, as they are a unique tool for building loyalty and interacting with their audience.
  • Online purchases: Chinese Instagram and Xiaohongshu also function as an e-commerce platform, meaning users can purchase products directly through the app. The products are usually related to beauty, fashion, and lifestyle.
  • Product Reviews: Users often post detailed reviews of products they have tried, sharing their opinions and experiences. This is especially popular in the beauty and skincare category.
  • Influencers y KOLs: The platform is known for hosting numerous influencers (Social Media Influencers) and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) who generate content and promote products. These influential personalities often have loyal followers and can have a significant impact on their followers’ purchasing decisions.
  • Exploration and Discovery: Chinese Instagram offers a search and explore feature that allows users to discover new products, fashion trends, travel tips and more. They can also follow specific tags and accounts to personalize their experience on the platform.
  • Ratings and Scores: Products are often accompanied by ratings and reviews from other users, helping buyers make informed decisions.

Xiaohongshu, the Chinese Instagram, allows users to post various content, purchase products, watch live streams, read detailed reviews, follow influencers, explore trends, and get product ratings on one platform.

Chinese Instagram - Features of Chinese Instagram

On the other hand, users can access the product pages of any brand from publications or live broadcasts, which forms a simple purchasing process that makes decision-making easier.

Finally, in the application itself, you can buy online, with a wide variety of promotions and products in the store. Xiaohongshu, in addition to having a space that contains more than 35,000 stores of thousands of brands.

In the application itself, users can be redirected to brand product pages and can even buy online on the platform itself.

2.Differences between the Chinese version of Instagram and the Western one

Now that we know the main features of the Chinese version of Instagram and its great variability in terms of functions, let’s see what the main differences are between Western Instagram, which we all know, and China’s Instagram, known as Little Red Book.

On the one hand, although Western Instagram was created only three years before Chinese Instagram, it has 2.35 billion users active monthly, compared to those already mentioned 250 million from the Chinese version.

Another difference lies in the objectives of each social network. On the one hand, Instagram occidental is intended for young people who want to contact their friends, see their latest posts, see memes, and follow celebrities and official pages. Although brands can also sell through the social network itself, it is not so common for users.

Chinese Instagram - Differences between the Chinese version of Instagram and the Western one

In contrast, the Chinese Instagram we have already seen focuses, in addition to sharing user-generated content, on sharing purchasing experiences and reviews and, for brands, selling their products or services through their own official account or through strategic collaborations with influencers of the great Asian country.

While Western Instagram is aimed at young people who want to see things from their friends or see memes, Chinese Instagram specializes in sharing experiences, recommendations, and reviews of products or services through influencers and official accounts.

As for the demographic statistics, according to Flexi Classes, in Xiaohongshu the Chinese Instagram, as we have mentioned, more than 70% of users are young people from urban areas between 25 and 40 years old, while on Instagram, only 51% of the users are women.

In China’s Instagram, the official brand accounts can be personalized and are different from those of other users. On the contrary, Instagram official company accounts are exactly the same as those of users, which gives them less authority and reliability.

We summarize the main differences in the following table: (MAKE WP TABLE)

3. Have presence and authority on China's Instagram

Having a good presence on China’s Instagram must be essential for any brand or organization that intends to penetrate the Chinese market. Therefore, knowing the best ways to promote yourself on this social network is essential.

Another aspect that can add great benefits and facilities when it comes to having a good strategy is collaborate with a marketing agency in China, such as InfluChina, an agency that promotes foreign companies in the Chinese market through social media strategies.

Having a good presence on China's Instagram must be essential for any brand or organization that intends to penetrate the Chinese market.

As for the main strategies to effectively penetrate China’s Instagram, we found two: collaboration with influencers and through an official platform account.

Collaborate with Chinese influencers

Collaboration with Chinese influencers to promote a business on social networks in the great Asian country has established itself as the most effective strategy, since Chinese consumers place great trust in these celebrities when making purchasing decisions.

This strategy is the most effective since, in addition to the trust that users have in Chinese influencers, influencers can promote a brand’s products or services in a close way through live broadcasts, stories or publications.

Influencers can promote a brand's products or services in a close way

Chinese Instagram - Collaborate with Chinese influencers

China's official Instagram account

First of all, let’s see how to create an official account on Chinese Instagram and what the requirements are. We must know that having an official account is a perfect sign of authenticity and reliability, in addition to being an optimal way to interact with consumers and promote sales.

Also, creating an official account on this social network is cheaper and has fewer restrictions than other Chinese e-commerce social networks, so Chinese Instagram is consolidated as a perfect option for brands that intend to enter the Chinese market.

Chinese Instagram - China's official Instagram account

Creating an official account on Xiaohongshu, the Chinese Instagram is cheaper and has fewer restrictions compared to other Chinese e-commerce social networks.

The steps to create an account on Chinese Instagram are the following:

  1. Create one personal account.
  2. Prepare the necessary papers and documents, such as the company name, trademark, logo, Chinese legal entity and owner’s details.
  3. Submit the request to the China Instagram team for review and approval, ensuring that the information is accurate and truthful.
  4. If the application is approved, the official account will be opened and will have to start a training course to learn how to sell, optimize results and become familiar with the platform.

As for the advantages and possibilities, having an official account on the Chinese version of Instagram allows you to redirect users to the desired website so that they can make a purchase quickly and easily.

The main objective of the official account is to promote products or services by showing content, business history, and products directly to all users, giving an irrefutable opportunity when it comes to connecting with the audience with commercial intentions.

The main objective of the official account is to promote products or services by showing content, business history and products directly to all users.

Chinese Instagram - China's official Instagram account

4. Conclusions about the Chinese version of Instagram

Now that we have seen everything about Chinese Instagram in detail, the statement that knowing and being present on the Chinese version of Instagram should be the main objective for any brand interested in entering the Chinese market and selling its products and services there.

If you need assistance entering the Chinese market effectively, you can contact the team at InfluChina, a marketing agency in China that specializes in carrying out marketing strategies on Chinese social networks, so if you are interested in optimizing your presence in the Chinese market, Do not hesitate to contact us.

If you need assistance to enter the Chinese market effectively, you can contact the team at InfluChina, a marketing agency in China that specializes in carrying out marketing strategies on Chinese social networks.


Frequently asked questions about Chinese Instagram (FAQ)

The Chinese Instagram is called Xiaohongshu or Little Red Book, and it is one of the most important Chinese social networks when it comes to promoting a brand in the Asian market.

China’s Instagram is Xiaohongshu, a prominent social network that has functions for user-generated content, e-commerce, user reviews, and shopping experiences.

The Chinese Instagram, Xiaohongshu, focuses on sharing shopping experiences and reviews, while the Western one is oriented more towards social interaction. Additionally, Xiaohongshu has 250 million monthly active users compared to Western Instagram’s 2.35 billion.

Collaborating with Chinese influencers and creating an official account on Xiaohongshu are effective strategies to penetrate the Chinese market through this social network.

Xiaohongshu allows users to post content, live stream, make online purchases, share product reviews, and follow influencers, among other features.

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