
Popular Social Media Platforms to Attract Chinese Tourists

Chinese social network,Chinese tourism
Popular Social Media Platforms to Attract Chinese Tourists

In today’s world, social media plays a key role in the tourism industry, and attracting Chinese tourists has become a priority for many destinations and businesses

Social media provides an effective platform to effectively engage a Chinese audience and promote tourism destinations, hotels, restaurants and other tourism-related experiences

In this article, InfluChina will take an in-depth look at the top Chinese social media apps for attracting Chinese tourists in 2024 and the key strategies that can help maximize their impact.

Popular Social Media Platforms to Attract Chinese Tourists
Popular Social Media Platforms to Attract Chinese Tourists
Table of Contents

1. Why is it important to attract Chinese tourists?

China is one of the largest and fastest growing tourism markets in the world. According to statistics, the number of Chinese tourists traveling abroad continues to increase year after year

Chinese tourists bring a great opportunity for tourism companies and destinations wishing to increase their revenues and international visibility.

In addition, Chinese tourists tend to spend more money compared to other tourist groups. They have a greater willingness to buy luxury products and participate in exclusive experiences. Therefore, attracting Chinese tourists can have a significant impact on the local economy and the tourism industry in general.

2. Social media and its impact on tourism

Social media has transformed the way people communicate, interact and share information.

Social networks play a crucial role in influencing tourists' travel decisions and providing a platform for businesses to promote their products and services in China.

Social media and its impact on tourism

The widespread use of social networks in China has led to the emergence of unique and popular social media platforms with features and functionalities different from those of Western social networks. To attract Chinese tourists, it is essential to understand the characteristics of these social networks and adapt marketing strategies accordingly.

3. The most used social media in China

Here are some of the popular social media sites in China that can be used to attract Chinese tourists in 2024:


WeChat, often dubbed a “super app,” is a comprehensive platform that combines messaging, social networking and payment functions. With more than 1.2 billion monthly active users, WeChat offers a unique opportunity to interact with Chinese tourists.

WeChat Moments is similar to Facebook’s News Feed, allowing users to share updates, photos and videos with their contacts.  

To attract Chinese tourists, companies can create engaging content, leverage influencers and encourage user-generated content to generate buzz and engagement.

WeChat-The most used social media in China

Sina Weibo

Weibo is commonly referred to as the “Chinese Twitter” and boasts more than 500 million monthly active users. It is an ideal platform for building brand awareness, interacting with Chinese tourists and sharing informative content.

To get the most out of Weibo, follow these tips:

Regularly post engaging and shareable content, such as travel tips, destination highlights and local insights. Collaborate with popular travel influencers on Weibo to expand your reach. Use hashtags and engage in relevant conversations to increase visibility.

Sina Weibo-The most used social media in China

Douyin (TikTok)

Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, has experienced explosive growth and is very popular among young Chinese travelers.

With its short video format, companies can create entertaining and informative content to showcase their travel offerings and attract Chinese tourists.

To effectively leverage Douyin, consider the following strategies:

Create visually appealing and engaging videos that highlight unique travel experiences. Collaborate with popular Douyin influencers to increase visibility and credibility. Use popular challenges and hashtags to improve reach and engagement.

Douyin (TikTok)-The most used social media in China

Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book)

Xiaohongshu, also known as Little Red Book or RED, is a platform that combines social networking and e-commerce. It focuses on lifestyle, fashion and travel content, making it an ideal platform to attract Chinese tourists.

Influencer marketing in China is highly effective on Xiaohongshu. Consider the following strategies:

Collaborate with influential travel bloggers and key opinion leaders (KOLs) to promote your brand and offerings. Encourage user-generated content and reviews to build trust and credibility. Use Xiaohongshu’s e-commerce features to drive direct sales.

Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book)- most used social media in China

Baidu Tieba

Baidu Tieba is an online community powered by Baidu, the most widely used search engine in China. On this platform, users can discuss various topics and share information. 

Participating in relevant Baidu Tieba communities can help increase the visibility of a brand or tourism destination among Chinese tourists and build trust and credibility.

These are just a few of the many popular social networks in the China social media landscape that can be used to attract tourists in 2024. It is important to do market research in China and understand each platform to make the most of its potential.

Baidu Tieba-most used social media in China

4. Strategies for using social media to attract Chinese tourists

Here are some key strategies that can help harness the power of social media to attract Chinese tourists in 2024:

Create relevant, quality content

Content is at the heart of any social media marketing strategy in China. Creating relevant, interesting and high-quality content that resonates with Chinese tourists is critical. This can include informative posts, engaging images, promotional videos and interactive experiences. Content should be tailored to the preferences and cultural characteristics of the Chinese audience.

Use influencers and KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders)

Influencers and KOLs have a major impact on Chinese tourists' travel and purchasing decisions. Collaborating with relevant and popular influencers can help increase the visibility of a brand or tourism destination and build trust among potential tourists.

Influencers can create authentic and persuasive content that resonates with their audience and motivates tourists to visit a specific location.

Use influencers and KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders)

Segment and tailor content to the Chinese market

The Chinese market is diverse and heterogeneous. It is important to segment and tailor content to different demographics and regions within China. This involves understanding the preferences, tastes and needs of Chinese tourists at different stages of the travel cycle. 

Language, cultural references and current trends should be taken into account when adapting content.

Understand the preferences and trends of Chinese tourists

Understanding the preferences and trends of Chinese tourists is critical to developing effective social media strategies.  

It is important to stay up-to-date on the latest travel, shopping and lifestyle trends in China. This can help anticipate tourists' needs and offer unique and relevant experiences.

In this regard, it is very important to know first-hand which are the leading online travel agencies in China (OTAs). The most used are Fliggy and Ctrip, and we recommend establishing a presence on them.

Successful case studies in the use of social networks to attract Chinese tourists

Over the years, several tourism brands and destinations have been successful in attracting Chinese tourists through social media. Some notable examples include:

  1. The Australian Tourism Board used a comprehensive social media marketing strategy, including the use of Chinese influencers, to promote Australian tourism destinations. This resulted in a significant increase in Chinese tourist arrivals to Australia.
  2. The Marriott International hotel chain implemented a personalized content strategy on WeChat to attract Chinese tourists. They created interactive mini-programs and offered exclusive experiences for WeChat followers, resulting in an increase in hotel bookings by Chinese tourists.
  3. Tourist destination Thailand used Douyin (TikTok) to promote the country’s natural beauty and cultural experiences. They created engaging and viral videos that generated interest among young Chinese tourists and motivated them to visit Thailand.

These success stories highlight the importance of understanding the unique characteristics of Chinese social media and conducting influencer marketing strategies accordingly.

Successful case studies in the use of social networks to attract Chinese tourists

5. The challenges of attracting Chinese tourists through social media

While social media offers great opportunities to attract Chinese tourists, it also presents unique challenges. Some of the common challenges include:

  • Cultural and linguistic barriers: Understanding Chinese culture and communicating in Mandarin Chinese can be a challenge for foreign tourism brands and destinations. It is important to work with Chinese marketing experts or have staff who understand and can communicate effectively with Chinese tourists.
  • Intense competition: The Chinese market is highly competitive, and many tourism brands and destinations are struggling to attract the attention of Chinese tourists. It is essential to develop unique and differentiated strategies to stand out in this competitive environment.
  • Rapidly evolving trends: The trends and preferences in Chinese outbound tourism can change rapidly. You need to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and continuously adapt your social media strategies to stay relevant and appeal to Chinese tourists.

Overcoming these challenges requires a deep understanding of the Chinese outbound tourism market, a solid strategy and constant adaptation as circumstances evolve.

6. Extra tips to maximize your social media impact

In addition to the strategies mentioned above, here are some extra tips for maximizing social media impact when attracting Chinese tourists:

  • Stay active and engaged: Persistence and engagement are key in social media. It is important to maintain an active presence, post content regularly and respond to comments and messages from followers. This shows engagement and builds relationships with Chinese tourists.
  • Make use of the hashtags feature: Using relevant and popular hashtags can increase the visibility of posts and help Chinese tourists find content related to their interests. Research and use the right hashtags to reach your target audience.
  • Use user-generated content: Content generated by Chinese tourists themselves can be powerful and authentic. Encourage tourists to share their experiences using a specific hashtag or through contests and promotions. This not only generates additional content, but also creates a sense of community and engagement.
  • Engage in strategic collaborations: Collaborating with other relevant brands or influencers can expand your reach and exposure on social media. Look for partnerships that can complement what you offer and have a similar target audience to your own.
  • Perform regular analysis and make the necessary adjustments: Monitor the performance of your social media marketing strategies and make adjustments as needed. Use analytics tools to evaluate the reach, engagement and effectiveness of your posts and campaigns. This will allow you to identify areas for improvement and optimize your efforts on an ongoing basis.

7. Conclusion

Social media is a powerful tool to attract Chinese tourists in 2023. By understanding the unique characteristics of popular Chinese social media platforms and adapting marketing strategies accordingly, tourism brands and destinations can make the most of this opportunity.

From WeChat and Sina Weibo to Douyin and Youku Tudou, there are a variety of platforms available to reach a Chinese audience. With relevant content, strategic partnerships and a focus on the preferences and trends of Chinese tourists, it is possible to attract and capture this growing market.

Remember that success on social media requires time, effort and constant adaptation. Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and practices in social media marketing and be willing to adjust your strategy as needed. By doing so, you will be on the right track to attract Chinese tourists and make the most of this valuable opportunity.


Frequently Asked Questions about the most used social media in China

Undoubtedly, WeChat, with its extensive user base and multi-functional features, is the best social media platform to interact with Chinese tourists.

Collaborating with popular influencers on Douyin can significantly increase your visibility and credibility among Chinese tourists. Partner with relevant influencers to create engaging and informative content.

Yes, Weibo offers a large user base and allows you to share engaging content, collaborate with influencers and engage in relevant conversations, making it an effective platform for travel marketing.

Xiaohongshu combines social media and e-commerce, making it an ideal platform to showcase travel deals, collaborate with influencers and generate direct sales to attract Chinese tourists.

While group travel remains popular among Chinese tourists, there is a growing trend for independent travel. Offering tailored experiences for both groups and independent travelers can appeal to a wider audience.


To create engaging content, consider incorporating visually appealing images and videos, sharing local knowledge and travel tips, and leveraging user-generated content to showcase authentic experiences.

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