
BiliBili the Chinese YouTube: Everything you need to know

Chinese social network
Chinese YouTube - BiliBili the Chinese YouTube: Everything you need to know

In the West we have dozens of social networks that we use daily for a multitude of things, however, we are not so used to promoting brands on them. On the contrary, Chinese social networks are perfectly designed for any brand to promote their products and services, as is the case of Chinese YouTube.

Chinese social networks are designed for any brand to promote their products and services, as is the case with Chinese YouTube

For this reason, Chinese social networks have established themselves as one of the best tools when doing marketing in the Asian country, since users use them to make purchasing decisions, place trust and make purchases in online stores integrated into the platforms, and Chinese YouTube is one of the clearest examples.

In this guide we will give all the details related to the YouTube of China, as well as the main differences between the Western version and the Chinese one. After that, we will see some keys and tips for marketing on YouTube in China, and finally answer some of the most frequently asked questions about Chinese YouTube.

First of all, If you are interested in entering the Chinese market using effective marketing strategies, you can contact InfluChina, a marketing agency in China that specializes in promoting foreign businesses in China through marketing strategies as a result of our extensive experience in this significant market.

If you are interested in entering the Chinese market using effective marketing strategies, you can contact InfluChina

Table of Contents

1. What is BiliBili the Chinese YouTube?

Chinese YouTube is known as BiliBili and has established itself as the Chinese platform with the highest growth rate in relation to Generation Z, so it is of great importance to have the ability to adapt content strategies for this age group that is increasingly present in purchases through social networks.

YouTube in China is an online entertainment platform that includes a multitude of genres and media formats, such as live broadcasts, mobile games, and videos, offering immersive entertainment experiences that satisfy the ambivalent interests of Chinese users.

Chinese YouTube - What is BiliBili the Chinese YouTube?

China’s YouTube started in 2009 and has become the largest anime streaming place in the entire Asian country, as well as one of the best video sharing sites. In addition, this platform is also known for its scrolling comment system, called the bullet curtain.

Chinese YouTube is known as BiliBili, and has established itself as the Chinese platform with the highest growth rate in relation to Generation Z

Features of China's YouTube

As we have mentioned before, this platform is known as the Chinese YouTube, although many of its functionalities are also similar to those of Netflix. Between the highlights of YouTube in China, we find the following:

  • Post and watch videos of the duration you want.
  • To see multimedia content of all topics and in all the formats you can imagine.
  • You can watch anime, games and comics.
  • Interact with other users to comment on programs and videos, resulting in easy creation of friendly communities.
  • You can see all the reactions that people had watching the video that you are watching at the moment.
  • Comment via live bullets on the video that is playing so that other users can see them and comment as well.

Chinese YouTube is used to watch and publish videos, watch anime, interact with other users, see people's reactions to videos, and comment live.

Chinese YouTube - Features of China's YouTube

Chinese YouTube users

As we have mentioned, Chinese YouTube users are mostly people primarily of Generation Z, making up around 80% of total users. Furthermore, the average age of Internet users on said platform is 21 years old, with the majority being from lower-level cities.

On the other hand, regarding the sex of the users we find that, unlike the rest of the Chinese platforms, 68% of all users are men, being the women the remaining 32%, which can be of great importance for all those who intend to create a marketing strategy on Chinese YouTube.

Chinese YouTube - Chinese YouTube users

In addition, the content is based on anime, games, sections dedicated to beauty and fashion and entertainment, topics that users belonging to generation Z love, which represents a unique opportunity for brands to collaborate with KOL or KOC popular on the platform.

As for Chinese YouTube users, they are mostly people belonging to generation Z, constituting around 80% of total users.

2. Differences between YouTube in China and the West

One of the main differences between YouTube in China and the West is the users. While in the Chinese version women make up 32%, in the Western YouTube, that figure increases to 40% Therefore, although there is still a difference between the presence of men and women, this difference is noticeably greater on Chinese YouTube.

Chinese YouTube - Differences between YouTube in China and the West

While in the Chinese version women make up 32%, in Western YouTube that figure increases to 40%

Regarding age, as we can see in the graph of SimilarWeb, the sections are quite similar in youth. However, highlights the greater presence of people between 35 and 44 years old on Chinese YouTube while, after 45 years, the Western version has many more users than the Chinese version of YouTube.

Chinese YouTube - Differences between YouTube in China and the West

As for monthly active users, there is a big difference. While in the Chinese YouTube has an average of 300 million users, with a total of 1.3 billion visits per month, YouTube in the West has 2,000 million active users per month, with monthly visits being around 32,000 million.

Regarding the differences in content, it should be noted that the Chinese YouTube focuses more on anime and games, while those from the West are primarily videos from influencers of all kinds: blogs, challenges, gameplays, events, live videos playing video games… it is more content from influencers or so-called YouTubers.

On Chinese YouTube there are an average of 300 million monthly active users, with a total of 1.3 billion visits per month

3. Types of accounts in BiliBili

First of all, we have to keep in mind that YouTube in China allows you to do three types of accounts:

  • Official account for influencers: The goal is to gain followers and make collaborations with brands. In addition, this account allows the content to go viral and monetize it, although you must have a minimum of 100,000 followers.
  • Individual account: As in any other social network, this type of account serves as entertainment through anime, manga, and video game content. You cannot get money from this account.
  • Official business account: The objective is to commercially promote goods and services of the company’s brand. Content about the establishment and products is usually uploaded, with the account being the property of a company or organization. This account increases visibility, access to Zhuanche and opportunities for quality collaborations.
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4. Keys to marketing on Chinese YouTube

Now that we know all the interesting and most important facts about the Chinese version of YouTube, we are in a position to give some Tips for all those who are interested in establishing marketing strategies that are effective on Chinese YouTube.

Chinese YouTube - Keys to marketing on Chinese YouTube

Paid ads

Like any Chinese social network or platform, China’s YouTube allows sections for brands to make paid ads. Furthermore, there are three types of ads:

  • Banner ads: They appear on the home page or game page, and come in different size ratios: 440x220px/ 640x400px/ 260x1500px /116x96px. Additionally, they can also be displayed on the playback page, either at the top right or below the video.
  • news announcements: They usually appear on the news page and can have three different formats:
    • Small image.
    • Large image.
    • 3 images: also comes with a title of between 5 and 18 characters and a description of between 2 and 10 words.
  • OGV (Occupational Generated Video): This is the highest priced option since they are produced and launched by the platform itself and can then be sponsored by brands. It is the best way to gain visibility but due to its price, it is not recommended for any company.

There are three types of ads on Chinese YouTube: news ads, banner ads and OGV (Occupational Generated Video)

Chinese YouTube - Paid ads

Create an official brand account

You should consider having a verified account in the app if you plan to use the platform to upload and promote your video content. A verified account will increase visibility and distinguish you from other accounts.

The steps are quite simple, but they can only be done by companies from a limited number of countries (East Asia/United States) and some sectors require more documentation.

A verified account will increase visibility and stand out from other individual accounts on China YouTube

Chinese YouTube - Create an official brand account

With the official business account, you will have the advantage that your content will have more visibility. On the other hand, with this account you will have access to tools, you can get partnerships and also to be able to monetize the account, in addition to the possibility of reaching your target audience to promote your products or services.

Collaboration with influencers

The brand must create a coherent style that is easy to recognize for this option. Because Chinese YouTube has a wide range of key opinion leaders (KOLs), KOCs (key opinion consumers), and nano and micro Chinese influencers, you should select a trusted agency to produce content that reflects your brand values

Besides, the collaboration with influencers has established itself as one of the best marketing strategies to enter the Chinese market. This statement is a direct consequence of the great trust that Chinese users place in these influencers since they see them as authentic and trustworthy.

Collaboration with influencers has established itself as one of the best marketing strategies to enter the Chinese market

Chinese YouTube - Collaboration with influencers

In addition, users of Chinese platforms, such as those on YouTube in China, make purchasing decisions based largely on the opinions and reviews of these influencers, so collaborating with one can be the best option to sell products and services in the Chinese market.

BiliBili Sparkle

Bilibili Sparkle is a matchmaking service that helps advertisers and content creators reach the right audience. Initially it was a tool within the chinese application itself, but now it is available to everyone, even brands, which can find price recommendations from influencers or data analysis.

The number of brands present on the Sparkle platform has increased by 2,050% since 2020, making this platform one of the best tools for all those interested in marketing on Chinese YouTube.

The Sparkle reinvestment rate, which represents 75% of brands that they used it for the first time, is another indicator of its popularity among brands. The top sectors in terms of gross revenue are beauty products, food and beverage retail, e-commerce, and mobile gaming.

Chinese YouTube - BiliBili Sparkle

Other tips for marketing on China YouTube

The power of Chinese YouTube to attract China’s Generation Z should excite brands seeking to attract young consumers, especially considering the engagement of YouTube users in China.

Instead of visiting third-party websites, users can also buy products by clicking on the “products” column from the home page. As a result, if you want to reach all users of said platform, you must have a section in this column.

The power of Chinese YouTube to attract China's Gen Z should excite brands looking to appeal to young consumers, especially considering the engagement of YouTube users in China

On the other hand, in addition to anime and video games, Chinese YouTube has sections focused on aesthetics, fashion, entertainment and advertising (with advertising laws). Users enjoy live streams of these topics, allowing brands to collaborate with popular KOLs who are active on the platform.

Chinese YouTube - Other tips for marketing on China YouTube

5. Conclusions

After having seen all the details regarding Chinese YouTube, the importance of being present on this social network for anyone interested in effectively penetrating the large Chinese market. Still, as we have seen, it is not that simple.

Thus, if you are interested in establishing effective marketing strategies in the Chinese market, you can contact the team at InfluChina, a marketing agency in China specialized in promoting foreign brands in the Chinese market through social media strategies, influencers, e-commerce in China and more.

If you are interested in establishing effective marketing strategies in the Chinese market, you can contact the InfluChina team


Frequently asked questions about Chinese YouTube

Yes, there is YouTube in China, and it is called BiliBili, although YouTube as we know it does not exist there, since it is censored, but BiliBili is the equivalent.

The Chinese YouTube is called BiliBili, and it has functions very similar to those of the Western version that we all know, in addition to having similarities with Netflix, although it focuses more on anime content.

If you are interested in doing YouTube marketing in China you can contact WeNomad, a marketing agency in China specialized in promoting foreign businesses in the Chinese market.

Chinese YouTube is used to watch and publish videos, watch anime, interact with other users, see people’s reactions to videos, and comment live.

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